The Society was founded in 1914 at Chichester and re-established in 1923 in Wales. The community, part of the Anglican Church in Wales, lives a monastic, contemplative life of prayer based on silence, solitude and learning to live together, under vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, with a modern rule, Cistercian in spirit. At the heart of our corporate life is the Eucharist with the daily Office and other times of shared prayer spanning the day. All services are open to the public and we are often joined by members of the neighbourhood in addition to our visitors. Our common life includes study, recreation and work in the house and extensive grounds. It is possible for women and men, married or single, to experience our life of prayer by living alongside the community for periods longer than the usual guest stay. Hospitality is an important part of our life at Tymawr and guests are most welcome. We also organise and sponsor occasional lectures and programmes of study for those who wish to find or develop the life of the spirit in their own circumstances. The community is dedicated to the crucified and risen Lord as the focus of its life and the source of the power to live it.
Guest and Retreat Facilities
The community offers facilities for individual guest and small groups. Please write with an s.a.e. for information.
Oblates and Associates
There are thirty-eight Oblates, living in their own homes, each having a personal Rule sustaining their life of prayer. Three Companion brothers meet regularly at Tymawr under a rule appropriate to their ministries, based on the SSC Rule. There are over 100 men and women Associates with a simple commitment, who are part of the extended family.
Further Information
Tymawr Convent
NP25 4RN