In eighteenth century Italy, the saint and mystic St Paul of the Cross was led by the Spirit to found a congregation of men and women who would keep alive and promote in the church the loving and grateful memory of the Passion of Christ. From his own experience, he believed this to be the surest way to that union of love with God in faith, which is the destiny of every human person. Passionists are called to enter profoundly, through persevering prayer, into the mystery of God's redemptive love as manifested supremely in the sufferings and death of Jesus, and then, through lives conformed to his image, to proclaim and be the presence of that love in the world.
The first monastery of contemplative Passionist nuns was established in Tanquinia (Italy) in 1771, and today there are almost 500 nuns in 34 communities throughout the world. In 1841 Blessed Dominic Barberi C.P. brought the Passionist men to England, and to celebrate his beatification in 1963, the nuns in America accepted an invitation to make their first foundation in this country, in Daventry.
Those who feel called to this way of life are invited after an initial period of contact, to 'live in' with the community for a few weeks before making a formal application. The normal period of formation is a one-year postulancy, a one-year novitiate, and three years in temporary vows. Formation takes place primarily within the community through a guided sharing in the life, adapted to the needs of the individual.
Further Information
The Superior
Convent of Our Lady
19-21 Woodfield Gardens
Rel: 01432 360 760