We were founded in 1731 at Scala in Italy by the Venerable Sister Maria Celeste Crostarosa and Saint Alphonsus Liguori. We are an Order of contemplative nuns who follow the Redeeming Christ as closely as possible through our life of prayer and sacrifice. We strive to live fully the Gospel of Christ in every aspect of our human and religious life, desiring to be in a special way, in the Church and in the world, a visible witness and a living memorial (Viva Memoria) of the Paschal Mystery of redemption in which the Father has accomplished his plan of love through Christ and in the Spirit.
Through our apostolate of prayer, we pray in the name of the Church for all the People of God. This apostolate is sustained and strengthened by the Mass, the Divine Office, spiritual reading and private prayer. Our Redemptorist Fathers and Brothers and their apostolic works - missions, retreats, parishes and publications - have a special place in our prayer.
A candidate may spend a short while with the community before deciding if the life is for her. The training the consists of a six to twelve month postulancy followed by 2 years of novitiate and then a minimum of three years of temporary profession before final profession.
The only convent in England was founded from Dublin in 1897 at Clapham and moved to Chudleigh in Devon in 1926 and moved again in 1990 to its present address in Liverpool. In 1947 we founded a convent in Canada which has since founded 3 convents - 2 in the USA and 1 in Australia. One of the US convents has founded two convents, one in the Philippines and one in South Africa.
A convent was founded in Poland from Italy in 1989 and is now making foundations in the Czech Republic and Kazakhstan.
Further Information
Sister Prioress
Redemptoristine Convent
Back Gillmoss Lane
Tel: 0151 5464938
e-mail: bernie.ossr@btinternet.com